In chapter six "Tom Meets Becky" of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Tom tries to convince Aunt Polly that he is sick and can't go to school. When that failed, he went for Plan B and claimed that his tooth hurt. Aunt Polly grabs string and ties one end to Tom's tooth and the other end to a bed post and uses the string to yank out Tom's tooth. Next he was off to school. On the way he meets up with outlaw Huckleberry Finn, Huck for short. Huck was holding a dead cat that he planned to take to the cemetery that night. Tom arrives at school late and was punished. His punishment was to sit with the girls. the only problem with that was that the only open seat was next to Becky Thatcher. During lunch Tom and Becky talked. Becky said that she did not know how to draw. Tom said that he would be willing to teach her. He said that at noon she could come home with him and he would teach her to draw there. Next, Tom passed her a note that said "I love you" on it. For the rest of the day Tom could not study because he could not stop thinking about her.